In July of 2023, the team participated in Concept Class of Formula Student UK 2023 and came 12th overall, while taking the best place of all the debutante teams.
FS UK 2023 Results
12th place Overall
Business Plan Presentation
The best performance for our team was achieved by the Business Plan department, securing the 13th position out of 100 teams worldwide that participated in the competition.
The aim of this event is the economic analysis and presentation of a business idea centered around the race car designed by each team. Teams are called upon to present their business idea to the competition judges, portraying them as potential investors and making an offer, persuading them that the idea is sustainable and profitable. Teams are judged based on the innovation of the idea, the feasibility of implementation, and the economic analysis. Additionally, the presentation skills, tools used, and the incorporation of the special theme determined by the competition each year are evaluated.

Cost Report
In the Cost Report competition, we achieved the 13th position among 33 teams.
The main goal of the event is to calculate and present a detailed breakdown of costs (materials and processes) for building the race car. Teams are judged based on how realistically they chose materials, calculated costs, submitted accurate documents before the competition, and made decisions (whether to buy or build in-house). Important factors included considering the environmental impact of these decisions and ensuring the project was completed within budget and on time. Additionally, how well teams addressed the special theme is taken into account. This event gives students the opportunity to solve real-world industry problems.

Design Event
In the Design Event, we secured the 15th position out of 37 teams.
The main focus of this competition is the comprehensive design of the car, assessing the designs, and providing a scientific justification for the decisions made during the design and construction phases. Evaluation is based on the quality, performance, innovation, and efficiency demonstrated by both the team and the race car. The safety of the driver is equally significant, along with compliance with regulations and standards similar to those in the automotive industry in both design and construction. Lastly, the team is assessed for its project planning skills, considering decision-making methods and their outcomes, developing timelines, and aligning available resources with the design.

Coming back home, we wish to extend our appreciation to all of you: the University of Western Macedonia, our team’s esteemed professors, sponsors, and supporters. Your belief in our team, its members, and the acknowledgment of our capabilities are deeply valued.
You supported our goal to design and build Perseus Racing’s first electric race car, and gave us the opportunity to take part in a globally recognized Formula Student competition for the very first time!
The design period of our race car has been completed, considering the insights provided by the competition judges. We are excited to come back together in our team’s workshop and start the manufacturing period.